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3 thoughts on “Ep. 127c – Episodul care n-a mai fost

  1. Justice

    Your kids are not troublesome! I was trouble! I don’t know that it made me eneatrtining, but it made me want to grow up and work with kids that were trouble. We do have more fun though.


    Issa Posted on Tja! Tänkte kolla, med tanke på att tradera är svart inkomst fall man säljer saker där. Men man kan ju tjäna otroligt mkt. Om man gör egna möbler och säljer är det skatte/företags brott då? Någon som vet? Med tanke på att jag får en inkomst på det men inte betalar skatt.Mvh

  3. Sanford car insurace

    Very pretty table, nice and serene. It is funny how we take pictures of a set table, we have always done that in my family. My mother would “shoo” us until the photos were snapped! Now we get to share it!Michelle


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