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Skeptical Reporter for July 26th, 2012

Keywords: skeprep, skeptical reporter, science, skepticism, news, skeptics in Romania, podcast, antretroviral, clinical trial, homeopathic, hepatits-C, side effects, India, Mumbai, affordable, United States, missing children, psychic, tips, reward, Lyric Cook, Elisabeth Collins, opinions, authorities, location, Iowa, naturopaths, Canada, medical professionals, recognition, credibility, Alberta, standards, College of Naturopathic Doctors, private health plans, negotiation, TB, Tuberculosis, treatment, infection, drug resistant, Romania, children, medicine, Minnesota, clergy abuse case, court, repressed memory, reliability, sexual abuse, unproven theory, astronomers, alien solar system, newborn stars, disk of dust, planet formation, impossible stars, orbit, Milky Way Galaxy, binary system, discovery, laser, Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator, 40 femtoseconds, one-pulse-per-second laser, laser plasma accelerator, electrons, tired, sleep, worker productivity, important information, chronic jet lag, visual search tests, biological nighttime

Skeptical Reporter for July 19th, 2012

Keywords: skeprep, skeptical reporter, science, skepticism, news, skeptics in Romania, podcast, aliens,  spacecrafts, UFO, UFO files, United Kingdom government, National Archives, little green men, X-files, officers, UFO Desk, Defense Ministry, Australia, Australian medical community, alternative medicine, complementary medicine, doctors, censorship, scientific research, pseudo sciences, treatment, homeopathy, naturopathy, iridoogy, chiropractic, osteopathy, university, Gustav Nossal, Ian Frazer, Friends of Science in Medicine, consortium, pharmaceutical companies, Germany, journalist, Edzard Ernst, websites, products, denigrate, Google ranking, parents, Your Baby Can Read, complaints, false advertising, genius baby, Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, Federal Trade Commission, UCLA, polymer solar cell, windows, generate electricity, infrared light, transparent, coating, self-repairing, scratching, applications, mobile phones, cars, functional chemical groups, solution, clinical trial, maraviroc, HIV infection, non-infected, prevention, cell,  NASA, Orion, spacecraft, astronauts, space-travel, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Victor Ponta, prime-minister, plagiarism, University of Bucharest, Ethics Commission, political attack


Keywords: skeprep, skeptical reporter, science, skepticism, news, skeptics in Romania, podcast, New Delhi, Sanal Edamaruku, India, crucifix, arrest, police, mermaids, National Ocean Service, Discovery Channel, programme, documentary, mythical creatures, Mermaids: The Body Found, Food Standards Agency, Miracle Mineral Solution, bleech, industrial-strength bleech, autism, cure, nausea, ailments, Jenny McCarthy, Andrew Wakefield, Autism One, HPV, vaccination, Bishop Frederick Henry, Canada, promiscuity, cervical cancer, school girls, Catholic teaching, Alberta Health Services, HPV Calgary, immunization, bishops, church, parents, Calgary's Catholic school system, schizofrenia, murder, not guilty, natural renemy, mantal illness, True Hope Empower Plus, multivitamins, Japan, schientific papers, fabrication, Yoshitaka Fujii, retraction, anesthesiologist, Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists, trials, CERN, LHC, Large Hadron Collider, particle, Higgs, boson, discovery, Standard Model, dark matter, dark energy, Peter Higgs, theory, camera, ISS, International Space Station, Pathfinder camera, disasters, floods, fires, Hewlett-Packard, patent, see-through sceen, information, University of Agronomic Science and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj, research, Emil Luca, Simona Barsan, bioethanol, sugar beet, sugar factories, alternative fuel

Keywords: skeprep, skeptical reporter, science, skepticism, news, skeptics in Romania, podcast, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, conference, Evan Bernstein, Lawrence Krauss, PZ Myers, Steven Novella, Pharyngula, the Skeptics Guide to the Universe, Romanian Secular-Humanist Association, Rationalist Conference, Predeal, Penn and Teller, Hollywood Walk of Fame, star, Bullshit!, primary schools, China, traditional chinese medicine, textbooks, classes, Ponzi scheme, astrology, Earth, Moon, gravitational pull, White Elephant Trading Company, Gurudeo "Buddy" Persaud, Carl Sagan, writtings, popularizer of science, Library of Congress, Ann Druyan, Seth MacFarlane, historic mission, People's Republic of China, CCTV, Shenzhou 9 space capsule, Liu Yang, astronauts, Tiangong 1, Saturn, moon, Titan, water, Cassini spacecraft, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, anti-nicotine vaccine, cigarettes, tobacco, study, mice, gene therapy, paralyzed, English alphabet, locked-in syndrome, neuroscientists, Romania, launch, satellite, Goliath, data, camera

Skeptical Reporter for May 24th, 2012

Keywords: skeprep, skepticism, skeptical reporter, news, science, Skeptics in Romania, castor oil, scientific study, health benefits, ricinoleic acid, molecular mechanism, labor-inducer, laxative, medicine, receptor, intestines, uterus, tonic, pregnant woman, death, abortion, concentrated vinegar, myths, health specialists, abortion clinics, Robert Spitzer, psychiatry, apology, gays, homosexuality, reparative therapy, religious groups, social conservatives, study, fatally flawed, gay civil rights groups, criminal damage, Rothamsted, crops, wheat, aphids, E-beta-farnesene, threatened, pest, pesticides, Take the Flour Back, genetically modified, SpaceX, Dragon capsule, International Space Station, space, laboratory, supplies, NASA, Don Petit, Andre Kuipers, Commercial Orbital Transportation Services, skin cells, heart muscle cells, transplant, experimental, rejection, human testing, heart failure, Israel, flu, vaccination, pregnancy, benefits, H1N1, pandemic, women, stillbi rth, preterm birth, extremely small babies, magic, military tactics, marketing, hand motion, curved motion, straight motion, eye movement, illusions, perception,asteroid, Romania, naming, Mirel Birlan, Richard Binzel, International Astronomical Union

Teme discutate:

Pericolele lipsei de scepticism:

Secvențiere genetică la purtător, pe USB

Reader's Digest - un articol despre medicina alternativa

Încă cineva care pretinde că poate vindeca cancerul

Un copil moare din cauza infectării cu herpes, în timpul ritualului religios de circumcizie

Piramidele din Bosnia au un câmp energetic foarte puternic

Concursul „Despre cine vorbim?”

Descriere: magician vorbăreț, 56 de ani, a acceptat să participe la ”The Blasphemy Challenge”, are o unghie roșie la mâna stângă


„Corect” și „greșit” într-adevăr există. Doar pentru că nu știi care este răspunsul corect, chiar dacă nu există nici o metodă prin care să descoperi care este răspunsul corect, nu înseamnă că răspunsul tău este corect nici măcar OK. E mai simplu de atât... E pur și simplu GREȘIT! - Gregory House (House M.D. - sezonul 1, episodul 21, Three Stories/Trei povești)

Skeptical Reporter for March 7th, 2012

Keywords: witchcraft, exorcism, murder, measles, Liverpool, outbreak, flower remedy, homeopathy, class-action suit, Saturn, oxygen atmosphere, Dione moon, Venus, Mars, Titan, abortion, mental illness, link, research, tornadoes, storm, weather, Indiana, United States, robot, rabbit, pet, Anna Flagg, emotions, Steve Yohannon, Babes Bolyai, students, robotics, UBots, polite trashcan

Skeptical Reporter for February 16th, 2012

Teme discutate:

Pericolele lipsei de scepticism:

Bio-circuite digitale

Aparate care indeplinesc dorinte

Interviu cu Sanal Edamaruku - partea 1

Promotoare a ideii de a naște acasă moare în timp ce năștea acasă

Revoluția Islandeză: între mit și realitate

O crudivistă folosește erori logice și nformații incorecte pentru a-și răspândi ideologia:

Un nou studiu care aparent susține eficacitatea homeopatiei. De ce pare îndoielnică concluzia?

Despre cine vorbim?
Soluția pentru concursul din episodul 33 este Niel deGrasse Tyson. Citat dintr-un interviu cu Ted Simons:

Câștigătorul concursului este Neațu Ovidiu Gabriel care a dat răspunsul corect via Facebook:

Dar cine a spus aceste cuvinte?

"Da' e așa de greu să vorbească altcineva despre experiența altcuiva? E greu! De unde știm că a fost sau n-a fost? Ar trebui să ne spună persoana în cauză. Așa din afară noi putem să emitem ce judecăți de valoare vrem. [..]și privirea voastră este subiectivă asupra problemei, că doar nu vi s-a-ntâmplat! [..] Dacă nu ești în interiorul unui fenomen, orice părere este subiectivă. Așa că lăsați subiectivismul să fie împărțit între tabere. Să-l avem și noi, să-l aveți și voi"


  • "Om lingalingalingalinga, kilikilikili" - Tantrik-ul în timp ce încerca să-l omoare pe Sanal Edamaruku cu magie

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Skeptical Reporter for February 9th, 2012