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Pericolele lipsei de scepticism

Corecții și continuări

Alte câteva cuvinte despre susceptibilitatea la efectul Placebo.

Focar de rujeolă în Suceava după ce părinții au refuzat să-și vaccineze copiii.

Petele Koplik, semn al instalării rujeolei
Rujeolă la un copil nigerian

Dubioșenia săptămânii

Deseatisil Altaiskii - 10 puteri din Altai
Secretul Siberian al sănătății și longevității

Când rămâne fără ceva de spus Biserica își aduce aminte de cipul electronic.

Când presa aberează...
... bagă frica în oameni că vine apocalipsa pe 21 decembrie 2012.

Și un posibil viitor invitat al rubricii Pericolele Lipsei de Scepticism

România, te iubesc - despre suplimente

Despre cine vorbim?

Soluția episodului anterior este Felix Baumgartner. Câștigător: Adi.

Dilema episodului:

Bio-promotor român a diverse tratamente naturiste, în funcție de moda momentului.

Citatul episodului

“Când investigăm naturalul, singurul lucru mai rău decât o persoană care crede orbește este o persoană care neagă ceea ce vede.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson, Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries.


Pericolele lipsei de scepticism

Primul logo al companiei Apple
Logo-ul curcubeu al companiei Apple

Colegiile românești au profesori mai bine pregătiți și mai interesați de cercetarea științifică decât unele facultăți

Susceptibilitatea la efectul Placebo ar putea fi moștenită genetic

Studiu observațional lăudat în reclame de Walmark

Dubioșenia săptămânii: Planta care vindeca cancerul în 40 de zile

Scepticism pe neașteptate

Se poate fixa doar pe patuturi din lemn. Pentru 0 - 5 luni.
• O adevarata serenada muzicala, a sunetelor naturii si miscarii ce stimuleaza dezvoltarea bebelusului.
• O combinatie de miscari circulare repetitive si alte miscari alternante cu obiecte ce se ridica, coboara si se rotesc, pastreaza atentia bebelusului si il face sa observe activ.
• Cele 4 selectii diferite de muzica: clasica - Bach, Mozart si 2 din Natura, stimuleaza si dezvolta auzul, aducand bebelusul mai aproape de lumea muzicii si dezvoltandu-i abilitatile muzicale.
• Pe masura ce vederea bebelusului se dezvolta, acesta incepe sa descopere straturile de sus pana jos precum si pe cele de pe margini. Acest lucru dezvolta perceptia sa spatiala si abilitatea de a organiza si percepe obiecte in spatiu.
• Panoul de comanda are 4 butoane ce pot fi folosite ca un centru de activitate muzical, incurajand bebelusul sa apese butoanele pentru a primi diferite raspunsuri muzicale, astfel se va familiariza cu cauza-efect.
• Optiunea prestabilita canta toate cele 4 melodii consecutiv pentru un total de 20 minute de muzica continua. Daca se apasa pe fiecare buton in parte, se vor auzi 20 minute de muzica pentru fiecare compozitie in parte.

Misterul legat de "Pila Karpen"

Când presa aberează...

Minciuni despre cancer și dezinformare într-un mod oribil

Dacă aveți remedii și suplimente din plante, vă rog să mă lăsați în pace. - Randy Pausch

Despre cine vorbim?
Soluția episodului anterior este Laika

Laika, primul animal care a zburat și a murit pe orbită în jurul  Terrei, la bordul navetei Sputnik 2

Dilema episodului

Instrument de marketing al lui Redbull care, deși n-a căzut în cap, spune să nu trimitem oameni pe Marte pentru că-i prea departe

Citatul episodului

Randolph Frederick "Randy" Pausch (23 oct 1960 – 25 iulie 2008)

Zidurile nu există ca să ne țină pe din-afară. Zidurile există ca să ne ofere o șansă să arătăm cât de mult ne dorim ceva. Zidurile există ca să-i oprească pe cei care nu-și doresc suficiente de mult acel ceva. Există ca să-i oprească pe ceilalți oameni. - Randy Pausch

Am avut o conversie pe patul de moarte. Mi-am cumpărat un Macintosh.


Pericolele lipsei de scepticism

Uneori, ortodoxie + moaștele Sf. Paraschiva + așteptare = comă

Răspuns pentru Sceptilici

Ce este lumina polarizata policromatica incoerenta?
Incoerenta luminii este o chestiune ușor de explicat. Gândiți-vă la un laser și la un bec. Laserul produce un fascicul bine direcționat într-o unda de lumina strânsă. Un bec împrăștie lumina peste tot în spațiul disponibil. Chiar și o lanterna este de fapt tot lumina incoerentă.

Polarizarea este doar setarea unui filtru pentru a elimina anumite frecvente din razele de lumina
Policromatismul e doar posibiltatea de a avea mai multe culori.
Deeeci, rezulta ca avem o lampa cu multe culori și lumina polarizata.

In fapt in polarizare sta întreaga poveste. Polarizarea ar trebui să permită doar anumite game de frecvente în acest caz intre 480 – 3800 nanometri care sa aibă rezultat asupra pielii

Studii (meta analiza) care dovedesc ca Bioptron nu are prea multe beneficii:


Mituri despre homeopatie

Dubioșenia săptămânii

Republicanul Paul Broun a fost înregistrat spunând că evoluția, embriologia și teoria Big Bang-ului sunt „minciuni direct din străfundurile iadului” menite să convingă oamenii că nu au nevoie de un mântuitor. (Foto: Gregory Smith, AP)

Scepticism pe neașteptate

Scepticism pe neașteptate


Lady Gaga și controlul mental:

Simbolismul manifestărilor cântăreței Lady Gaga este atât de evident, încât un om de bun-simț ar putea să se întrebe dacă nu cumva totul este doar o glumă de prost gust. A descoperi mesajele transmise prin intermediul acestei ființe scelerate poate fi un exercițiu folositor pentru mulți tineri fani. La o analiză atentă, se poate constata că întreaga sa personalitate este un produs al controlului mental, în care a fi superficial, incoerent sau absent mental pare ceva foarte la modă.

Sursa: Yoga Esoteric

Mit: Alfred Nobel nu a stabilit un premiu în matematică pentru că soția l-a înșelat cu un matematician,.



Analizorul cuantic magnetic - un dispozitiv cel puțin scump și îndoielnic

Când presa aberează...

Despre cine vorbim?
Soluția episodului anterior este Michael Collins

Dilema episodului

Ham, ham în spațiu.
sau În spațiu nimeni nu te aude lătrând 🙂

Citatele episodului

Pășește alături de cei care caută adevărul, fugi de cei ce cred că l-au găsit.

Poate că profunzimea dragostei poate fi calibrată de numărul de fațetelor sinelui care sunt implicate activ într-o relație

Deepak Chopra și Carl Sagan


Pericolele lipsei de scepticism

Corecții și continuări

Premiile ig-Nobel 2012

Premiul în psihologie: Anita Eerland si Tulio Guadalupe
Studiul care demonstrează ca cei ce se apleacă către stânga face turnul Eiffel mai mic.
Știți cum se reprezintă axa numerelor. Numerele mici sau negative la stânga. Ei bine, aparent dacă pe un plan înclinabil spui oamenilor sa estimeze ceva folosind numere, atunci când sunt înclinați către stânga au tendința sa vadă lucrurile mai mici.
Premiul în neuroștiință: Grupul de cercetători condus de Craig Bennet si Abigail Baird ce au demonstrat ca datorita șanselor de erori in scanarea fMRI exista probabilitatea sa gasesti activitate neuronala intr-un somon mort. Studiul lor este foarte interesant si disponibil in varianta completa, sugerand si solutii pentru imbunatatirea situatiei
Premiul in chimie: pentru cei care au descoperit de ce intr-un oras din Suedia parul oamenilor s-a facut verde.
Premiul in literatura: Biroul de contabilitate generala al guvernului american pentru ca a emis un raport despre rapoarte despre rapoarte care recomanda pregatirea unui raportul despre raportul despre rapoarte despre rapoarte.
Premiul in fizica: pentru calcularea fortelor ce se intampla intr-o coada de cal.
Premiul pentru dinamica fluidelor: pentru studierea fortelor ce se exercita asupra unei cani de cafea in timp ce aceasta este deplasata pe o tava
Premiul in medicina: Emmanuel Ben-Soussan și Michel Antonietti pentru sfătuirea doctorilor asupra procedurilor corecte de a face colonoscopii cu electrocauterul astfel încât colonul pacientului sa nu explodeze

Dubioșenia săptămânii

Anastasiya Shpagina, 19 ani, inspirată de anime își dorește să fie un personaj de anime în carne și oase (foto:


Tehnicile de machiaj sunt mai evidente în acestă imagine (foto: doubtfulnews)

Scepticism pe neașteptate

Scepticism pe neașteptate - o nouă rubrică

Subiecte sceptice

Când presa aberează...

Aberații cromatice, aparent obiecte în aer
Aberații cromatice, aparent obiecte în aer - poziția relativă se păstrează


Același aberații cromatice, evident, nu sunt obiecte reale
Același aberații cromatice, aici și mai evidente


Despre cine vorbim?
Soluția episodului anterior este Emil Racoviță

Emil Racoviță în 1921

Dilema episodului:

Primul om atât de aproape și totuși departe de Lună

Citatul episodului

Neil deGrasse Tyson - Educarea științifică e un vaccin contra șarlataniilor

Educarea științifică este un vaccin împotriva șarlatanilor lumii care ar putea să-ți exploateze ignoranța. - Neil deGrasse Tyson


Skeptical Reporter for September 21st, 2012

When hormone replacement therapy was found to cause an increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, many went in search of safer treatments to decrease their symptoms. In the ensuing decade black cohosh has won out as an overwhelming consumer favorite, now reaping millions of dollars in sales each year. But controlled trials of this supplement have seen mixed results, some case reports even suggesting that it can be toxic, damaging the liver. Damon Little, a bioinformaticist at The New York Botanical Garden and his colleagues an idea: to use DNA bar-coding to see if patients were actually taking pure black cohosh or some other related species. They were able to determine that one quarter of commercially available "black cohosh" pills were not the herb at all. Unlike drugs supplements are not required to be tested for safety or efficacy by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration before they hit the market. And testing to make sure the contents match the label are much more lax than it is for pharmaceuticals, opening the opportunity for mislabeling, whether it is accidental or intentional.

Childhood vaccines do not cause autism. Barack Obama was born in the United States. Global warming is confirmed by science. And yet, many people believe claims to the contrary. Psychological scientist Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Western Australia and colleagues highlight the cognitive factors that make certain pieces of misinformation so "sticky" and identify some techniques that may be effective in debunking or counteracting erroneous beliefs. The main reason that misinformation is sticky, according to the researchers, is that rejecting information actually requires cognitive effort. Weighing the plausibility and the source of a message is cognitively more difficult than simply accepting that the message is true. If the topic isn't very important to you or you have other things on your mind, misinformation is more likely to take hold. Even worse, efforts to retract misinformation often backfire, paradoxically amplifying the effect of the erroneous belief. In their report, Lewandowsky and colleagues offer some strategies for setting the record straight. Provide people with a narrative that replaces the gap left by false information. Focus on the facts you want to highlight, rather than the myths. Make sure that the information you want people to take away is simple and brief. Consider your audience and the beliefs they are likely to hold. Strengthen your message through repetition.

If you are not one to go for end of the world prophecies, but do like the idea of the Mayan calendar giving us hints for the future, then you can take part in a concert/party/sound healing event in Great Britain, in December. This is what the organizers of the party explain about the event: "December 2012 is being looked upon as the time of a significant spiritual shift in the collective consciousness of the planet into this new Golden Age. That’s why 12,000 people will be assembling in Wembley Arena on 12.12.12 to experience The Big Om mass sound healing event – an event with the power at a quantum level to shift the vibration of the planet – which will be live-streamed around the world. The Big Om is a five hour shamanic journey lead by metaphysical guru and sound healer Barefoot Doctor, starring Basement Jaxx plus introducing some of today’s leading electronic dance music acts/DJ’s plus a variety of gurus talking over the beats".

Apparently feng shui isn't really good for anything, not even for justifying hateful behavior. The owner of a small chain of Asian restaurants — two in Greenwich Village, of all places — canceled a same-sex wedding party after saying gay and feng shui don’t go together, a lawsuit charges. Newlyweds Barrett Greene and Thomas Eng say the owner violated their civil rights. The owner of Amber West Village is being sued by Barrett Greene and Thomas Eng after their planned wedding reception and rehearsal dinner was canceled. Despite the early hitch, their love story had a happy ending. The couple, who registered at Tiffany’s, got married in a rooftop ceremony at the Midtown Loft and Terrace on 29th St. on June 9. Their wedding website doesn’t say anything about that venue’s feng shui, though it does note that the teak lattice flooring might “pose some difficulty for women in very slender heels".

And now let's look at some news in science

Newly formed emotional memories can be erased from the human brain. This is shown by researchers from Uppsala University in a new study. The findings may represent a breakthrough in research on memory and fear. Thomas Ågren, a doctoral candidate at the Department of Psychology has shown, that it is possible to erase newly formed emotional memories from the human brain. When a person learns something, a lasting long-term memory is created with the aid of a process of consolidation, which is based on the formation of proteins. When we remember something, the memory becomes unstable for a while and is then re-stabilized by another consolidation process. By disrupting the re-consolidation process that follows upon remembering, we can affect the content of memory. "These findings may be a breakthrough in research on memory and fear. Ultimately the new findings may lead to improved treatment methods for the millions of people in the world who suffer from anxiety issues like phobias, post-traumatic stress, and panic attacks," says Thomas Ågren.

Researchers have developed a new "video" game for blind people that can help them learn about a new space using only audio cues. The system, developed by a team led by Lotfi Merabet of Harvard Medical School and Jaime Sánchez of the University of Chile, is called the Audiobased Environment Simulator and uses only audio-based cues to allow blind users to learn about the layout of a previously unfamiliar building. After playing the game, participants were better able to navigate a real-world version of the space explored in the virtual reality environment, confirming that the spatial information learned in the game was accurate and transferable. "Learning through such interactive games represents an innovative and motivating way to improve crucial skills that allow blind individuals to remain functionally independent," says Merabet.

With the combined power of NASA's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes as well as a cosmic magnification effect, a team of astronomers led by Wei Zheng of The Johns Hopkins University has spotted what could be the most distant galaxy ever detected. Light from the young galaxy captured by the orbiting observatories shone forth when the 13.7-billion-year-old universe was just 500 million years old. The far-off galaxy existed within an important era when the universe began to transit from the so-called "Dark Ages." During this period, the universe went from a dark, starless expanse to a recognizable cosmos full of galaxies. The discovery of the faint, small galaxy opens up a window into the deepest, remotest times of cosmic history.

More than 2 million consumers got to gloat about their shrewdness in procuring an iPhone 5, with its larger screen and 200 additional features through its new operating system. But once the novelty wears off, will they still enjoy their purchase? It depends on why they bought it, says new research from a marketing professor at Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis. Across five studies and four product domains, Joseph Goodman, assistant professor of marketing, found that consumers fail to estimate their feature usage rate before purchasing multifunctional products, which negatively affects product satisfaction. "When they do actually elaborate on usage, then they tend to buy lowered featured products, and they tend to be more satisfied with their purchase, regardless of whether they buy a high or low feature product", Goodman says.

And now, in local news from Romania we learn that

 Romania will finally get its Magurele project of building a laser and the laboratories for the "Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics ELI-NP". Financing has been approved by the European Union for the large project that will involve 40 academic institutions from 13 member states of the EU. The project will give a boost to Romanian research and will help with numerous studies in the fields of nuclear physics, astrophysics, materials science and many others. Currently Romania puts away only 0.5% of its Gross Internal Product for research and development.



Pericolele lipsei de scepticism - Ozonoterapia, o altă non-terapie care elimină șansa de vindecare a pacienților bolnavi de cancer

Poți surzi de la analgezice?

Formula paracetamolului


Educația - Bacalaureatul diferențiat

Dubioșenia săptămânii

Vedeți voi...

Luc Montagnier vine în România

Luc Montagnier

Protestele și violența din lumea islamică

În mijlocul bătăliilor... protestatarii, furioși pe un film american care-l denigra pe profetul Muhammad s-au încăierat cu poliția pe străzile din Sydney (Australia) - Foto: James Brickwood
J. Christopher Stephens (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)

Frică de industria alimentară sau articol util?

Când presa aberează...

Către iridologi: un diagnostic, vă rog!
Canabis sativa


Despre cine vorbim?
Soluția episodului anterior este Edwin Powell Hubble. Câștigător este, din nou, Eduard Morar.

Dilema episodului

Biolog, zoolog, explorator român care a petrecut o iarnă în Antartica.

Citatul episodului

Adulților le spun, dacă vreți să negați evoluția și să trăiți în lumea voastră, într-o lume în complet dezacord cu tot ce observăm în univers, foarte bine, dar să nu vă forțați copiii să facă același lucru, pentru că avem nevoie de ei. Avem nevoie de votanți și cetățeni educați din punct de vedere științific în viitor. Avem nevoie de oameni care... avem nevoie de ingineri care să construiască lucruri, să rezolve probleme. - Bill Nye

Skeptical Reporter for September 14th, 2012

TruthMarket, a division of Truth Seal Corporation, announced it plans to play an aggressive role in improving the state of political and commercial communications by launching its Marketplace for Truth Telling. TruthMarket offers the public a platform that enables grass-roots crowd-funding of citizen campaigns to publicly expose false claims and reinforce true claims. Cash incentives will encourage individuals to initiate, challenge or prove political, commercial and science claims. Rick Hayes-Roth, Ph.D., the founder of TruthMarket, states that "false claims, half-truths and biased polls are polluting public dialogue, tainting public opinion and undermining politics, commerce and public trust. Instead of getting angry, he adds, it is time to do something constructive and give the public a mechanism to openly challenge false claims and reinforce honest dialogue.

Add Bigfoot research to the recession-proof industries. A website called All over Albany has alerted the Internet to a job opening on Craigslist that "for a primate-lover with an open mind and a (preferably) four-wheel-drive vehicle" could be the opportunity of a lifetime. The Craigslist post, which seeks a research assistant, explains: "Not for profit organization, located in Whitehall, NY is a high-energy, team-oriented research entity that is involved in the tracking, documenting, and study of cryptozoological creatures, with a deep interest in the study and search of bipedal primitive apes. We seek an experienced researcher with a deep understanding of cryptozoology, primatology, with a good background with scientific research and interest in great apes." Some of the research assistant's responsibilities will be to "investigate, document and interview individuals with reported Bigfoot sitings," and an appropriate candidate must be prepared for "occasional travel to remote areas."

The first ever study of the adverse effects of acupuncture in state-funded acupuncture clinics in the UK has found that the procedure is largely safe, but not as safe as advertised. In extreme cases, it could even put lives at risk. Despite this, claims that acupuncture is completely safe could soon lead to the procedure being funded by Medicare, the US government-funded medical benefits programme. Acupuncture is already government-funded in much of Europe. Investigators from the National Patient Safety Agency assembled all reports of adverse events following acupuncture treatment in NHS clinics between 2009 and 2011. In these clinics, acupuncture is provided by conventionally qualified doctors and therapists, who are also trained to perform acupuncture. The investigators found 325 reports of adverse effects. Some of the reports were merely of sloppy practice. In 100 cases, patients were left with needles still in them, sometimes hours longer than intended or even after they or the staff went home. Some needles subsequently had to be surgically removed.

Pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline will open a new research unit in China to look at traditional Chinese medicine. According to the company, Innovative TCM will be one of GSK's R&D programs in China, aiming to transform TCM from an experience-based practice to evidence-based medicines through innovation and differentiation. Zang Jingwu, senior vice president and head of R&D China, explained that the newly formed unit is working with academic TCM experts in China to develop new TCM products for the benefits of patients in China and the rest of the world. The strategy is to integrate the existing TCM knowledge of diseases with modern drug discovery technology and clinical trial methodology. "We are developing novel therapeutic TCM mixtures as prescription medicines through innovative extraction methods and combinations, and we use clinical data/evidence to differentiate from existing TCM products on the market," he said.

And now let’s look at some news in science.

A Japanese mathematician claims to have the proof for the ABC conjecture, a statement about the relationship between prime numbers that has been called the most important unsolved problem in number theory. If Shinichi Mochizuki's 500-page proof stands up to scrutiny, mathematicians say it will represent one of the most astounding achievements of mathematics of the twenty-first century. The proof will also have ramifications all over mathematics, and even in the real-world field of data encryption. The ABC conjecture, proposed independently by the mathematicians David Masser and Joseph Oesterle in 1985 but not proven by them, involves the concept of square-free numbers, or numbers that cannot be divided by the square of any number. The conjecture has also been described as a sort of grand unified theory of whole numbers, in that the proofs of many other important theorems follow immediately from it. "If the ABC conjecture yields, mathematicians will find themselves staring into a cornucopia of solutions to long-standing problems," the mathematician Dorian Goldfeld of Columbia University explained.

Social isolation in youth may wreak havoc on the brain by disrupting a protein crucial to the development of the nervous system's support cells, new research finds. A new study in mice finds that when the animals are isolated during a crucial early period, brain cells called oligodendrocytes fail to mature properly. Oligodendrocytes build the fatty, insulating sheathes that cushion neurons, and their dysfunction seems to cause long-lasting behavioral changes. Research in rhesus monkeys and humans has shown that social isolation during childhood has an array of nasty and lifelong effects, from cognitive and social problems in neglected children to working memory troubles in isolated monkeys. These children and monkeys also show abnormalities in the white matter of the brain, which includes support cells such as oligodendrocytes as well as the fat-covered neural projections that act as the brain's communication system.

The giant rocket NASA is building to carry astronauts to Mars and other destinations in deep space may cost $500 million per launch when it's flying regularly, space agency officials have declared. NASA is eyeing $500 million as a target right now for the Space Launch System (SLS) when it begins making roughly one flight per year, which could begin happening after 2023. But things could change as the SLS program ” which was just announced in September 2011” matures, officials said. "We still are working on our contracts and where we're going. Plus we're in the development phase, and you really have to have a little bit more of a steady-state flight launch to be able to get the more efficient launch rate. But that's the number we're using right now" SLS deputy project manager Jody Singer, of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., said during a presentation at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics SPACE 2012 conference in Pasadena, Calif. NASA unveiled the SLS just two months after the last flight of its venerable space shuttle program, which was grounded in July 2011 after 30 years of orbital service.

Dark energy, the mysterious substance thought to be accelerating the expansion of the universe, almost certainly exists despite some astronomers' doubts, a new study says. After a two-year study, an international team of researchers concluded that the probability of dark energy being real stands at 99.996 percent. But the scientists still don't know what the stuff is. "Dark energy is one of the great scientific mysteries of our time, so it isn't surprising that so many researchers question its existence. But with our new work we're more confident than ever that this exotic component of the universe is real even if we still have no idea what it consists of" co-author Bob Nichol, of the University of Portsmouth in Engalnd, said in a statement. Scientists have known since the 1920s that the universe is expanding. Most assumed that gravity would slow this expansion gradually, or even cause the universe to begin contracting one day. But in 1998, two separate teams of researchers discovered that the universe's expansion is actually speeding up. In the wake of this shocking find which earned three of the discoverers the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011 researchers proposed the existence of dark energy, an enigmatic force pushing the cosmos apart. Dark energy is thought to make up 73 percent of the universe, though no one can say exactly what it is.

And, now, in local news from Romania, we learn that

Romanian students could soon be learning using e-books. Minister of Education Ecaterina Andronescu has declared that ebooks represent a necessity for the countries education and could help make learning more fun for students. "We have introduced this system of learning in graduate education and it has been received very well by students and I think the same ebook would be appreciated by pupils as well. If we introduce e books, students wouldn't have to carry as much to school, a problem that has been long raised by parents, the press and teachers. Also, I believe the younger generation is much more attracted to new things. An e-book would represent new technology that would be interesting to the young students", the minister has explained.


Organic produce and meat typically is no better for you than conventional food when it comes to vitamin and nutrient content, although it does generally reduce exposure to pesticides and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, according to a US study. Crystal Smith-Spangler, who led a team of researchers from Stanford University and Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care, reviewed more than 200 studies that compared either the health of people who ate organic or conventional foods or, more commonly, nutrient and contaminant levels in the foods themselves. The foods included organic and non-organic fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, poultry eggs and milk. Smith-Spangler and her colleagues found there was no difference in the amount of vitamins in plant or animal products produced or ganically and conventionally – and the only nutrient difference was slightly more phosphorous in the organic products. Smith-Spangler said it was uncommon for either organic or conventional foods to exceed the allowable limits for pesticides, so it was not clear whether a difference in residues would have an effect on health.

A study suggesting climate change deniers also tend to hold general beliefs in conspiracy theories has sparked accusations of a conspiracy on climate change-denial blogs. The research, which will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science, surveyed more than 1,000 readers of science blogs regarding their beliefs on global warming. The results revealed that people who tend to believe in a wide array of conspiracy theories are more likely to reject the scientific consensus that the Earth is heating up. University of Western Australia psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky based the findings on responses from an online su rvey posted on eight science blogs. According to the paper, Lewandowsky approached five climate-skeptic blogs and asked them to post the survey link, but none did. Now, climate-skeptic bloggers are striking back with a new conspiracy theory: that the researchers deliberately failed to contact "real skeptics" for the study and then lied about it.

The inventor of the World Wide Web has denied there is an "off-switch" which could turn off the internet across the globe. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who launched the web on Christmas Day 1990, said the only way the internet could ever be entirely shut down is if governments all over the world co-ordinated to make it a centralized system. It comes after moves by the Egyptian government last year to suppress use of the web led to speculation that the Hosni Mubarak regime had found a kill switch for the internet. "The way the internet is designed is very much as a decentralized system. At the moment, because countries connect to e ach other in lots of different ways, there is no one off-switch, there is no central place where you can turn it off” Berners Lee explained.

The fortunes of the UK's National Health Service (NHS) are about to be transformed with the help of the magical waters of homeopathic medicine. UK's new health minister, Jeremy Hunt – who replaced Andrew Lansley in a government reshuffle – thinks that homeopathy works, and should be provided at public expense by the NHS. Since news of his appointment emerged, senior scientists have spoken up. John Krebs, professor of zoology at the University of Oxford, said: "There is overwhelming evidence that homeopathic medicine is not effective. It would be a real blow for those who want medicine to be science-based if the secretary of state were to promote homeopathy because of his personal beliefs." Edzard Ernst, former director of complementary medicine at the University of Exeter, UK, added: "To praise the positive contribution of homeopathy to the NHS does not bode well for the new person in charge of UK healthcare. One can only hope that with the reality of the new job, there will be a more rational insight in the actual evidence on this topic."

And now let’s look at some news in science
It took hard work, determination and a lot of ingenuity for a pair of spacewalking astronauts to fix a key power system aboard the International Space Station. NASA space flyer Sunita Williams and Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide spent nearly 6 1/2 hours outside, in the vacuum of space to properly install a pair of bolts that had caused problems for the pair during a previous spacewalk last week. In addition to their regular spacewalking gear, Williams and Hoshide were armed with some makeshift tools — including an improvised wire cleaner and a toothbrush — to help them get the job done. On Aug. 30, Williams and Hoshide completed a marathon spacewalk that lasted more than 8 hours, but the astronauts were thwarted by a stubborn bolt and were unable to finish connecting the so-called main bus switching unit. The stuck bolt forced NASA to add an extra spacewalk, but they managed to get the job done.

Scientists will have just 24 hours to conduct an experiment 16 years in the making if all goes well in Antarctica. In October, a team of U.K. scientists will complete the journey to find life in one of the least likely places: a lake buried beneath nearly 3 kilometers of ice on the frozen continent. The team is expected to start drilling into the ice atop Lake Ellsworth by December. A separate expedition will start in October as U.S. scientists look for life under another system of lakes and rivers underneath the ice in western Antarctica. The two forthcoming ventures will join a third, the Russian Antarctic Expedition that in February successfully drilled into Lake Vostok, Antarctica's largest sub glacial lake, larger than Connecticut, under nearly 4 km of ice. "It's a basic curiosity-driven question," said Martin Siegert, a glaciologist at the University of Bristol and principal investigator on the U.K. effort. “Wherever we find water on planet Earth, we always find life and there might be a relationship between life and water.” If the group does not identify life, Siegert said the experiment would provide a major finding for the scientific community.

Physicists have "teleported" quantum information farther than ever in a new study. This kind of teleportation isn't quite what Scotty was "beaming up" on television's Star Trek, but it does represent teleporting information from one place to another. A team of scientists from Austria, Canada and Germany have now beamed the quantum state of a particle of light from one island to another 143 kilometers away. "One can actually transfer the quantum states of a particle — in our case a photon — from one location to another location without physically transferrin g this photon itself," explained physicist Xiaosong Ma of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. This achievement beat the previous quantum teleportation distance record of 97 km, set by a Chinese research group just months ago. It represents a significant step toward establishing a "quantum internet" that could allow messages to be sent more securely, and calculations to be completed more quickly, scientists say.

China has fully embraced the American dream by snapping up new cars as a sign of middle class prosperity, but only at the growing cost of traffic jams and polluted cities. A Chinese municipality has finally taken the bold step to restrain the worst excesses of automobiles by restricting ownership of new cars through auctions and lottery systems. The move seems as astonishing "as if Detroit or Los Angeles restricted car ownership," according to Keith Bradsher of the New York Times. Automaker s have Beijing's support in opposing additional car ownership restrictions for fear of hurting China's economic growth. But this could represent a sign of change in Chinese priorities and values."

And now, in local news from Romania we learn that
The National Ethics Council has decided that former minister of Education Ioan Mang has plagiarized the work of other researchers, from several scientific papers. The decision has yet to be announced officially as the Council is still waiting for the Ministry of Education’s Judicial Department notification on the matter. The issue was finally settled after Mang was forced to resign as minister of Education following accusations that he was guilty of plagiarism.

This show was recorded today, the 7th of september 2012.

Links to the original articles: no-better-nutrient



A decedat Neil Armstrong

Neil Armstrong în 1969

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Glumele de tipul potrivit, spuse cum trebuie, pot face mai mult pentru a clarifica probleme politice, filosofice și literatură decât orice număr de argumente plicticoase - Isaac Asimov

Skpetical Reporter for August 31st, 2012

Keywords: skeprep, skeptical reporter, science, skepticism, news, skeptics in Romania, podcast, creationism, Kentuky, Creation Science Hall of Fame, Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, scientists, world, Texas, fossils, churches, school, health, Ayurvedic medicine, pregnant women, India, lead poisoning, heavy metals, minerals, medicine, CDC, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, United States, ESP, China, children, reading, course, Your Baby Can Read, reader, company, false advertising, informercials, videos, scientific studies, defendants, program, Neil Armstrong, death, heart surgery, Moon, astronaut, giant leap, hero, giant leap, Apollo 11 spacecraft, lunar surface, bionic eye, prototype, 24 electrodes, Dianne Ashworth, retinitis pigmentosa, vision, implant, song, Mars, Curiosity, Reach for the Stars,, Gale Crater, Pasadena, educational event, flying drone, quarotor, robot, EEG headset, brain signals, chinese researchers, diabled people, soldiers, battlefields, plagiarism, Student ARC, Clean Romania, universities